Al Wierling sent in the pictures from trip in 1991 for contest winners.
Every year Luth, our film processor supplier and Polychrome had a contest for gross profit on film processor sales. As bests as I recall there were four contests, the winners and their spouses were given a free trip to a lovely locale. The first was to Copenhagen, the second to Paris, the third to St Thomas V.I, and the last to Vail Colorado. The winners included 4 TSR from each of the 4 regions, 1 branch manager, a regional mgr, film tech support people, our hosts from Luth and a person form corporate. Since I had a very good staff in Miami, I was able to go to the last three trips, mission only the Copenhagen trip, a city still on my bucket list.
Our hosts from Luth were very generous and to this day I ama very grateful to Peter Bandholm and wife (Greta?) and Bruce Goodwin and wife.
The attached pics are from the 1991 trip to St Thomas and we all had avery good time.
Hopefully the names on the back of the photos are correct.
Thanks Al for sharing these pictures from good old days!
Al and Pat Wireline
John and Fran Sturgis
Jeff Silva and his wife
Victor and Anne Lopez
Ron and Mary Ann Mangis
Albert Garcia and his wife
Peter and Greta(?) Brandhlm , Luth
Szulc, Mangis and Pat Wireline
Bruce Goodwin and his wife, Luth
Tom Szulc and his wife
Our hosts from Luth